So much music

The TV is just pouring out music and Kathy and her brother are just pounding out tunes out of the instruments for the games. Damn that is loud, and he is easily frustrated by the game. Much much louder than me, scary.

Went to Pizza Hut Lunch Buffet today and I feel sick and full and tired. Blah, I really should get some DDR in. I don’t think Kathy will be able to play yet, her foot is still hurt from playing at the arcade, the bottom of her foot is slightly discoloured.

I hope her brother is OK. Kathy’s uncle is currently to put it bluntly a drunk and a few of the other family members have shown that they have addictive personaliies. I was kind of put off by her brother, just three days in visiting us and he smokes up in her bathroom. Sure he may be bored visiting us but I think he has quite the problem if he can’t go three days straight. Today on his drive all he really wanted to visit was ‘hobby shops’. I don’t want to add to his condition, it would feel like giving her uncle a gift card to he LCBO or something. Than again where he lives his incredibly boring but he still seems too into it.

I got enough sleep tonight but I am still so tired today. I just want to nap, it should be time for sleep.

Tonight I dine on Pizza Hut

Yesterday and on Boxing Day I have done more shopping in more stores than I ever have previously and purchased more things for Boxing Day than I ever have previously in the past. I have always been use to working on Boxing Day but this year I went out. It started innocent enough, try and get a $10 comforter at Zellers which I did a few hours after they open, they had a lot of them, they were qquite prepared in Waterloo. The cambridg store seemed to got the shaft though, my mom said they were out of Queen and were mostly sold out. That was all I dared to do on that day although we did go through the store briefly to see if there was anything else wanted to be purchased and taken home with us. Stopped by a couple of other places in the mall but nothing amazing.

Yesterday I found out that two of the 4 battery slots on Kathy’s charger won’t charge and headed out to FS to see if a deal could be found. I unexpectedly found a couple of old video games in stock and picked them up so I spent much more than I anticipated. Through the course of he day I also visited the Bay, XS Cargo, another FS, and a couple of oher places I don’t remember.

Today is Pizza Hut buffet day, I hope I can eat, I had two big piece of fish yesterday at Kelsey’s easting out wih the crew. It was fun and the Velvet Lounge looks especially classy with a few of it’s lighs burnt out.

Oh yeah and about the games.
Guitar Hero 2 is really cool and a lot easier to play as two player than I was expecting, the controllers are pretty neat. Kathy and I haven’t had a chance to rock out together playing Rush yet.
I haven’t cracked open Donkey Konga 2 yet since I was musiced out yesterday.
DDR Ultramix 2 is different, not sure if I like it more or less but it is different, I guess time will tell, can’t argue with 23 bucks though. Well I guess I could since 23 bucks is still a lot of money but not the way I spend it : /

Plugging on

It does not seem like christmas at all. I guess it helps that I am not in stores at all to see what is going on. I will be on Sunday though, I hope I can handle it. Snow still hasn’t arrived yet for the most part, Kathy is happy since she has a tendancy to slip on the ice. I just disliked driving to work during snow storm, last year I drove through a coupple of them a bit slower than normal but overall it wasn’t too bad.

I replaced another headlight on my car yesterday, I think it broke when I left the hood drop to shut it. The previous bulb I changed a few weeks ago broke for the same reason. This time I found a light that was suppose to be bright blue like those annoying ones for 13 bucks, I don’t think it does very much. I drove down an unlit road and found out my lights are not really alligned correctly or well. One of them kind of points down and the otherone sort of points into the distance. When I turned on the highbeams the lights had opposite effects, one pointed brightly to the ground and the near sighted low beam was further ahead on high. Oh and the low beam light that I changed does not seem brighter at all than the other light which I changed a couple of weeks ago, that was a waste of an extra 5 bucks. I thought changing the bulb would be easier since the battery wasn’t right there making things difficult for me, instead GM decided to put some steel there preventing me from really getting my hand in there. Oh bother.

I kind of want to go camping in Portugal but I don’t want to use up bag room and haul stuff there, i would mean I couldn’t haul it back since I’ll be loaded with cheese. I wonder how many bugs would crawl on me if I went without a tent outside.

My kitty is butch, he wears a dog collar, or he will when I can catch him.

Work has been going good lately, a couple of things I do are a pain because it doesn’t seem like good information can be squeezed out of them easily and I don’t want to waste my time with that if I don’t have to. Other than that there isn’t much at all I could say about it, one day to the next is pretty unremarkable.

This is how we fill in potholes

On a stop light in Brampton there is a sign advertising pot lights, indoor/outdoor. I kind of want to make a sign that says crack/cocaine sold here nightly.

I saw a work crew filling in potholes on the 401. First they park on the shoulder. Than they get a shovel full of fill. Than when there is a break in traffic they run into the middle of the road, fill it and run back.

I played Katamari and that game is so fun and weird in general, I can’t believe that I waited so long to play it. Same with Lego Star Wars, so much fun.

I tired now at 7.15, time for bed, I guess I am getting sick.

Sod to the lot of you

Work has been busy which is understandable since it is Christmas, heh. I still haven’t got anything for anyone and the usualy cheap stores did not have much. The local Liquidation World still had tonnes of the Radioshack crap that I mentioned before. I didn’t notice the RC boat before,oh well it wouldn’t be that fun, especially when it dies in the middle of a lake or something.

I’m surprised how quickly this weekend is coming up, just a few more days until the wedding. Not mine but someone else’s. Ha!

My nephew finally left his PS2 so now I can try to work out a bit, I feel very porky, especially today, I feel heavier, blah. It probably didn’t help that I bought 15 chocolate bars at liquidation world I just need to get a DDR game now. I haven’t been able to find any helpful reviews for DDR SuperNOVA which is dissappointing, most review sites just give a review like they didn’t get to actually play it which is likely. The people who have played it usually don’t give the greatest reviews since they are actually good at the game so they can’t describe difficulty to people who have difficulty with the game very well.

I still haven’t got my Wii yet, I want to play play play, this waiting part sucks.

Kathy’s roommate came over yesterday and got to spoil my cat. He was rolling around on the floor making weird sounds and going after the laser and protecting us from the squirrels in the trees.

I really need to clean up.

Got Some Question About Your Life

Damn Damn Damn, I didn’t realize Zellers was having a big sale on LCD TVs, they were just dumping the things, damn. I might have bought one, it is probably for the best since I have a large Visa bill. I have to sign up for a HBC Master Card to collect more points. I thought my GM $ were stagnating and they are, I am currently losing the $ earned from a few years ago, all that time for nothing, it feels like such a waste. Oh well, I can’t do anything about it now yet I still feel cheated.

I burnt out my low beam light on my car, and after successfully taking out the first bulb I found, realizing that was for high beams and reinstalling it I was well on my way to having some light in my car. The socket for the low beam is right in the corner with the frame all around it, it was extremely difficult to get my hand in there and move the piece to get the bulb out. Luckily my fingers are quite nimble and deliberate. Surprisingly it was real quick to get it all together again. The really bright bulbs were $25 each, I was interested but not that interested.

I was reading earlier that the graphics for the new Zelda doesn’t look as good as older sgames for GC like RE4, still sounds fun, but I thought that was interesting considering it is Zelda.
I was tempted again to get Dance Dance Revolution SuperNova and modding a dance mat so I can use it on my soft floors. I could just do many other things to work out instead. I think since I haven’t moved from this sofa that it is a safe bet that if I dd get it I wouldn’t use it much. I still dislike the second one for PS2, light mode is too easy and standard has too many half steps making it much too hard for me.

I still haven’t bothered to fill up my aquarium, it is missing too much water, the cat seems more amused by it. I’m not really sure what he is staring at, it seems like the flower in the current.

Cold and Tired

At the moment I am in bed trying to keep warm. The other day when I was sleeping on my back I woke up and found the cat sleeping on my chest, weirdo.

I was going to move stuff in my room so it would be set up better for DDR but I hardly feel like moving at all. Let alone lift the akward TV downstairs. I do have to add water to my fish tank, it is drying up in there.

I kind of feel like wearing a tie at work but I don’t think it would suit me.

I have been eating tastless nutella sandwiches and salads in order to save money and lose weiight. I hate it so much. I was getting subs and sushi to eat healthier but that gets expensive everyday. Nutella sandwiches just taste so plain and often times bad as we don’t seem to be using good nutella. The salad is OK but not filling at all the dressing for it is kind of gross, especially when eating the leaves at the bottom.

I wish I could whip something up with my KFC playset and eat it. And by make something I mean fries, I can’t stomache the chicken.

I really should shave today, my face not my head, especially since I am sure my head is going to win in the growth and coverage contest. Now I just have to get the energy to get out of bed and into a shower. Sounds hard and almost impossible.

I eated a cookie

I went to the Mandrin today, it was rather yummy, that was about 9 hours ago and I am now craving chinease food. My first plate of food was a fried spring roll, fried fish, fried chicken balls, fried scallop things, and fried onion rings. The whole plate was one colour. They had nice fishies there, I want more fish. I really should make some sushi.

So yeah I took the day off work to go eat somewhere, I hope this doesn’t make me a loser. I also went to get a gian two person umbrella and congo drums for the gamecube. Kathy and I happen to be at a Walamat looking for a specific hand cream that they no longer carry and noticed that they had some slick displays for their mp3 players and portable DVD players, they were pretty neat looking. They also had a display dedicated for the wii, it was like the ps3 didn’t exist which is kind of true since most stores seem to be getting less than half a dozen and Target in the states has around 30-120 Wii units per store.

I don’t want to eat anymore, House is kind of intersting even though the House character kind of sucks. I don’t feel like eating anymore and want to play a lot of DDR. I m so tubby and must go to Mandrin a lot more. I’d like to tell my parents about it but I don’t think my dad should eat there. It is getting to cold for me to bike or jog outside : / damn asthma thing.

Breasleau has several exciting and thrilling sod farms out in the middle of nothing, apparently a lot of kids race there from all the tread marks in the ground. here seems to be about maybe 7 houses way out there and you can see for kms around.

I believe I have about 4 vacation days left at work, I am not too sure when to take them, I guess I should wait until Pete gets here and figure out when hewill be about. Oh well.

It was punk

Yeah it was perfect.

Now it’s awful

I raised more than the $150 I was expecting 470 or so isn’t too bad. Some of the ladies who went bald collected 700+

My head is cold now though, I was going to bic it when I got home but it was way too cold, I wore a touque all day at home afterwards and even in bed when I was going to sleep, I;m not sure if it is the lack of hair or just the weather in general but I am cold all the time. I can detect drafts from any direction now.

I stayed at work a little longer than I would want to lately, oh well.

As I type this Kitty is doing his broken purr and rubbing his head into my face, hand and laptop looking for love. His lip is still a little swollen but a lot better than it was, the animal hospital people keep calling me, I’m not sure if it is genuine concern or if they want to make some money off a perscription.

I have been eating salads as of late all though I still eat crap for dinner, mostly I never knew that cesar salad could be so good, I was kind of scared of salad because I woould always see it with all kinds of weird greens, oranges, blue horshoes and red balloons. I like it plain. That and a nutella sandwich are perfect. Although before lunch I have such bad cravings for BK or Pizza Hut lunch buffet, both are close to where I work. Sometimes I think I have a video game spending habit. I was tempted to get the new DDR game, I still am really and a new mat. I am also slightly tempted to go get guitar hero 2. Zellers updated their points system so I have $300 now worth of points, I could easily get both and some chocolate bars. I have been craving chocolate a lot lately. I just overall don’t want to spend any money, too much has flowed out already.

Kathy and I went costume shopping at the Stag Shop, well not really shopping just to see what they had, some of the stuff seemed like they were barely trying. The San Diego in the Mall didn’t have much either except a teen in the back of the store staring at the bongs with his head as close as possible to the glass case.

At Zellers there was a Superman costume and I read somewhere that it uses a fan to fill up, I kind of wondder how noisy it is, seems kind of dumb too.

Kathy is kind of stressed again lately, it is kind of hard for me to help since I seem to have the stress just roll off of me, I dunno, I guess I am broken like that.

I think I will fall asleep now. The cat has his but curled up into my armpit for warmth and comfort, for him.