Last Saturday was my niece’s confirmation, which was apparently something I had to go to. I am the god father or something. Didn’t really matter that I was pretty sick and was having trouble standing, I had to go. My mom tried guilting me into going but she knew that wasn’t going to get very far. She tried talking to Kathy about how I am the god father and how I’d be dissappointed if I didn’t go. She didn’t buy it much. I ended up going or else. The good thing about Roman Catholic cermonies is they last about 45 minutes to an hour. I felt like poo all throughout, I didn’t stand much, I kind of leaned against the pew in front of me instead of the floor. It was awful. I wasn’t very coughy or snotty so at least there was that. The day itself was rather beautiful. Chris was rollerblading by as I was heading to the car. I guess I am ghetto trash or something since he asked me where the closest dollar store was. I still don’t know why they needed something from there, they made it sound so mysterious.
My sister rented out a room at a golf course for the reception. There was some sort of stuffed ribs which was actually pretty good. I took off not too long after. I finally got some more sleep. At the reception everybody had their game boys except me. Sierra may have lost her gameboy at that party since that was the last time it was seen. She probably took it home but no one really knows for sure.
I have been running all over around town and region mostly in car but a little on bike as I mentioned yesterday. Went to Zellers, Blacks, Futureshop, Staples, Wal-Mart, Futureshop, Home, Zellers, Blacks, 60 Minute Photos, Zehrs, home, Zellers, home, Waterloo Futureshop, Waterloo Zellers, Zehrs, and home. This was over two days. Buying stuff, returning stuff, looking for stuff. All be told I bought 4 things and got a picture done. I never knew returning stuff at Zehrs was such a pain in the ass. I had the receipt and at first they weren’t sure if I could return the memory card. Good thing it was in one of those snappable, resealable things. Even after getting the OK they still wanted lots of info even though I had my receipt, I am use to returning stuff at Zellers with the receipt and it is a breeze. I asked and the person who sold it to me said 14 days, won’t be a problem. All that to save 7 bucks, found an older deal buy at Zellers, better brand too yay.
Haha my niece doesn’t want to go home since I guess she got yelled at a lot earlier when I wasn’t here when it was discovered her gameboy may be lost. My sister probably asked her where it was at home and instead of saying I am not sure probably said at Grand mas instead of actually looking for it. The same thing occured with a gameboy game that they were sure was here, turns out it was at home too.
It feels so weird without the ability or chance to go see Kathy when I want to. Feels so lonely. I was all excited when I was running around town since a lot of it was for preperations to go on my trip to see her but I still have to go to work on Monday and than on Tuesday still. I will get to leave a bit earlier on Tuesday but not by very much. I will probably miss out on all of Nintendo’s announcements during E3 as well. Oh well, Via rail does have internet service available in their trains now but it is redicously expensive.
Right now I am trying to recall what I ate yesterday and I cannot remember a think other than a charity sausage dog. A vendor told the charity people that since it is a bit on the cold and rainy side they should have more hot dogs prepared than sausages since from his past experience that stuff moves the most during such weather conditions.
It is about 6.15 on this Sunday afternoon and I have no clue what I am going to do with myself for the rest of the night. I personally do not have anything really to do and I have no where left to go. I got everything I needed to get and everyone is pretty much out of town, not that I have any money in my budget to do something interesting. It is scary but when I get bored like this all I want to do is eat, not a tonne of stuff but all that I can think of is about going to Burger King or Harvey’s for a poutine or maybe getting some sort of sub. I should eat some of the bread that I have around here, according to Chris that is already unhealthy enough for me. les sigh, mon dieu.