I ate beans, after consulting the Internet first to make certain that I can just put beans in a pot and heat it. After seeing I could put it cold in a salad I figured I wouldn’t get poisened in any weird way. So that was my dinner. I didn’t have chilli with it either. After that started cooking I found the cookies which I had originally wanted for dinner along with milk.
People in bathrooms make some weird sounds, I prefer to use the can in one of the busier washrooms at work since the stall has more leg room and when some people go pee pee they make some pretty weird groaning sounds. I hope I don’t get old and have nice shoes.
Apparently I am weird because of my fear of hand dryers. My fear is actually that a swarm of baby spiders that would be nesting in the hand dryer will come out covering my hands and arms and crawl all over my body of afterwards. Some people think this is a silly fear. Through Google I have found two others with my fear one also fears
He was scared of hand dryers in public loos.
He still is scared of the flush in aeroplane toilets (loud and sudden noise)
He is scared of dogs he doesn’t know …
He is scared of the dark.
He has grown out of most of the noise fears now though (he is 6 and a half)
He also used to be terrified of people in costumes at parties … clowns, giant animal costumes etc etc.
According to his mommy.
The other
Until recently, DS (5) had an irrational fear of hand dryers.
According to his mom.
I feel for them, poor kids. The road in life doesn’t get any easier, you start to imagine all kinds of things coming out of there.
Right at this moment I am in bed with my feet on the mattress and knees in the air, because the cat is cold he is under my legs which are under the blanket. He can be so cute sometimes.
On Friday I shall be going to the Fr!nge festival at Laurier. Should be fun although a couple of plays this year sound boring. Hopefully there won’t be a play on numerology this year.