I haven’t updated in a month and a half. I just haven’t felt like it at the times I did remember, I haven’t even bothered to take pictures during that time. meh.
Anywyas in that span I took the lil lady out to see Phantom of the Opera, I got the tickets for xmas since she really liked seeing it before. I guess it is a big deal that it wasn’t the original cast but I at least thought it was fun. I’m glad I saw the movie before, it made it easier to understand what is going on, especially in the parts where Carlita sings. About a month Later we went to see We Will Rock You, the musical based on Queen songs. It had more of storyline than I was expecting and was really, really good. I especially liked the 2nd song umm Radio Gaga. The whole show was really clever.
Hmmm not sure what else I have done lately. Kathy finished school and has moved in with my parents for the time being, otherwise subletting would be costing an additional 400-500 a month and that is a bit excessive, for a couple of months my parents will be gone so we’ll have the house to ourselves.
Oh the cat continues to be happy. Yesterday I got him a catnip bouqet, it is fresh catnip. It was fun seeing how excited he gets over just the smell. He was licking the bag and just gone crazy. I understand now why the packaging states that it is non addictive.