Yesterday the house smelled like a toilet. It was apprently because of some sort of stew/soup that was in the kitchen, it was pretty bad. I am sleepy again. I got my fringe tickets today, unfortunately they didn’t know what I meant by weekend passes and I had to settle for two saturday show passes, that was money, doh.
I am tired again, always seem to be tired at night. I really should clean my glasses. I haven’t cleaned them since I dropped it in the mud in Chris’s truck.
Damn trucks are needed if I ever get a boat, not that it’d be much of an investment since there is no real lakes around. I’d hate to travel out for a couple of hours drive just to go around for a bit. Although camping would be neat. I saw a neat one at I originally was just looking for info about the game :p
I can’t believe that there is a tv show loosely based off of the idea of that coast gaurd movie. The idea for the movie seemed so stupid and like they were really stretching. The tv show seems even more so. This week’s commercial for ER is so hoakey as well, blah.