I walked to the 401 centre and got my socks soaked completely. I think I am going to get virus’s in my feet. Of course not too many places had their sidewalk plowed. On the way back I saw on of those mini bobcats clearing the sidewalk, those things are pretty manuverable. The peron in it cleared the sidewalk and than wanted to get to the otherside of the street. She raised the shovel and than pivoted in place and pushed the button for the traffic lights with the bobcat’s shovel. I want to drive one of those. Super fun.
So with the freezing rain the carpool didn’t go to work. Second time in less than 7 days and apprenlty another snow storm is going on right now and won’t let up until the morning. I’ll feel very uncomfortable if I couldn’t come in again :/. I had to drive my niece to her hockey game which is 5 minutes or so from my house. It was a miserable drive and really slippery. I got stuck at a nearly level stop sign due to ice and had to roll back a bit to get a running start to get past it.
When coming back from the Ice Park I left through the back road so I can get the light back home. The road was of course all white and I thought I was following the car in front but I guess I was off to the right a little because all of a sudden it started to sound like I was going through fresh snow that hasn’t been driven on so I steered back towards the centre of the road. I didn’t realize at that moment that the street has no sidewalks or curbs and has ditches so I almost drove into a ditch : / I don’t think I would have been able to drive out of it. So that was dumb of me. How about you?