They probably would help, haven’t eaten the as much since eating a couple of gross ones. The insides were all dried up with no juice, I don’t know what happened to them but it happened twice at different times. I miss oranges, I hope I don’t get scurvy.
Walked to Soper Park yesterday, all the changes they made to the creek has made a big difference, the park looks healthy and happy and green. There were baby ducks racing all over in the ct tails. One even go chased by another duck and went peep peep peep. I should show some pics but Kathy moved the computer and is cleaning up that room, I don’t want to get in the way…or help…or cut the lawn. On the way back the Space Invader building was demolished. It was set on fire a few time and last weekend the city decided to get rid of the target.
They are caged for your protection.
went to a mixed drink party and ended up being the only person drinking chocolate milk, what kind of party was this?
Nothing else is really up lately, found the one fish that I thought got gobbled up, it was hiding in a log, cherries are ready for picking somewhat. The robin in the tree left and apprently took it’s young with her, the cats are dissappointed but still wait under the tree. The neighbour’s water line to his house broke and is sinking his lawn and driveway, kind of weird to see his only source of water is coming from my hose to his house. Total beaver fever.