I took a couple of days off in the middle of the week. Unlike other times that I did this it was very relaxing and enjoyable. I’m not saying it wasn’t the other times but they felt like just a couple of days. I didn’t do anything incredible by no means, shopped for some books and went to the library, had some sushi, but it all felt nice. I was planning on getting some pictures but didn’t get to that.
I have a birthday party in Toronto coming up, should be fun, I was trying to figure out an easy way to attend it and go to a delicious poutine place downtown but it is just too far out of the way. While shopping for wines seeing the variety that was available was entertaining. There was one that claimed it went well with Mexican food, I have never seen anyone at Taco Bell with it, so I don’t know how good it really is.
Dieting is difficult, there seems to be so many unexpected opportunities that creep up that add to your calorie intake. Today was pizza day at work and they had these super delicious double chocolate chip cookies. They tasted so rich like brownies really, and I am weak when the food is in front of me like that, I think I had 4 cookies and 5 slices of pizza. I haven’t loss much more weight, I guess that goes without saying, but I am still trying. I do need to get more active, I find that the most difficult thing to do.