They are soar, I’m stingy with the glasses cleaner like I am with my washer fluid.
My first day in my new department is going well for the most part. The buyer is away which is making it difficult since I can’t get a recap of how the area works and what will be coming up in the future. I guess they made a strategy change to go high low recently but financially it doesn’t really add up, so this can be a painful year. From coming from an area that did high low before it isn’t pretty unless you get the volume to go with it, every week.
Went to a birthday party on the weekend, it was fun but antisocial me came out in a big way. I couldn’t think of stories to talk about or chit chatty stuff so I was quiet for the most part which sucks. I was even reading a Dale Carnigie book earlier, not for the party but to help my career, guess I need more help still. Trouble is I spend a lot of time working and don’t follow sports closely enough there and don’t care about politics enough to talk about it in great detail.
I got another notch lower on my belt, hopefully it isn’t a one day fluke but some real waist loss. I can’t imagine it is loss though since I have been eating not as well as I was at the beginning of my diet.