Subway Melt

I guess the weight is still melting off a bit, I dipped under 250 on the scale this morning which seemed pretty good since I have been eating a bit more junk than I should but a lot less than I use to. I was also surprised since I had delicious tacos yesterday and over ate. I ate beyond full but less than what I use to, it wasn’t to the point of feeling sick. Hopefully I can keep it going but a bit more weight loss than my current rate.

Yesterday my niece sent some homework that she needed help with. It is about limits, the theory for calculus. I forgot the derivative is the formula for the slope at any point in the function. I can still do the work, I actually screwed up on the same point as she did. Now it is a matter of getting her to understand what is happening and why. She has the tools for the most part, just not the intuition of when to use what tool.

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