The music at this Subway sucks, the music itself is painfully bad. Its hard to put my finger on one part of the song that I dislike more than the rest, actually auto tuning to sound like a robot. I think I hate that part the most. From what we have learned from over using things in the 70s I would think more people would give it a second thought. Luckily when the song is over they are bad enough that they are just forgotten, part of the reason I was having trouble picking one part of the song to dislike the most. The song sounded louder than it should be, I guess its not surprising given all songs have there levels adjusted so they sound louder instead of better, sigh.
Work is work, forecasting 22 weeks and trying to put a good face to the numbers is difficult, I am a bit pessimistic to the sales plan given, they just don’t make sense and don’t jive with marketing and the current strategy, ho hum.
My head seems to be feeling better, not sure if it is from doing the maneuver and I moved my ear rocks to a better place in my head or what. Than again I felt better for a week before feeling like poop again. I guess this means road trips to Windsor are out for the next bit. I was thinking yesterday how much it would suck for my carpoolers if I had to pull over and throw up because when I get to that point I would need a break from traveling for a bit, I guess I would be walking home.
Last year I was really looking forward to getting a seasons pass to wonderland this year, especially when I found out about the new roller coaster that they are building however I am a bit more reluctant to go. Part of that is from my trouble with dizzies but part of it is from the cost, the pass itself isn’t too much comparatively but there is still the cost of gas to get there. The amount I have been paying for gas has steadily been increasing the last few months, partially through higher gas prices but also since Jay has been carpooling less. I think this was the last carpool with him today so it will be even more expensive next month. Another side effect of that is I’ll be getting less chances to sleep while being chauffeured into work.