I tried and I failed

I went out for a 5k today with high hopes that I could finish in 35 minutes but in actuality I was slow and had to stop and walk several times.  I gave myself a rest inbetween runs for a week but I still got winded very badly and the pain that occurred in my leg happened again today over and over again.  Last week I ran in 38 minutes, I think today it was closer to 45.  I haven’t been winded in a long time but it was hotter and more humid than it usually is when I run, also despite being slower overall I did run faster than usual.  The first km I ran was in 6 minutes which is about 2 minutes and 30 seconds faster than my average km, I never actually have run faster than 7 minutes before so I may have very well just ran out of gas.  From reading up online people talk about having an adrenaline surge and being pumped up by the crowd and feeding off the energy but I got none of that at all.  All I noticed was how much faster everyone else was, how near the end a 7 year old girl who was in front of me was able to just go and left my sight as I trailed behind, much like many of the other elderly that passed me or parents pushing there stroller ahead of themselves.  About halfway through my first km a guy was already heading back and passed me when he was at 3.5 km, I think he finished in 18 minutes but I am not discouraged by him since his legs looked like they belonged on a horse.

Meh, next time.


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