5 more k

The air tonight was smokey, it rained a ton yesterday and I guess someone didn’t think through there decision to have a fire tonight, it is everywhere.  I think it was near me since it seemed to be stronger here, I don’t think it help put me out to a great start, the beginning of my run was slow going, around 9 minutes or so. I felt to winded and my breathing was rather labourous.  My legs felt fine although running that slow I don’t think they would feel that bad.  The GPS in my phone wasn’t working again tonight, it said I covered 4k in the distance that I cover 5k.  I rebooted my phone afterwards so hopefully it will be ok for next time.  Kind of disappointing since I could have kept going but I want to know how far I actually make it.  It was a colder night, about 16 but it still felt like the humidity was making it feel like it was 24 or so, it wasn’t it felt like 16 but it still felt gross and sticky out. I’m not 100% sure about my new shoes but I think given the choice I won’t be picking a dual fusion again but I am frustrated because my pegasus keep breaking.  Nike’s website for the pegasus sucks http://www.nike.com/ca/en_ca/c/running/stories/2013/09/pegasus-plus-30


The results came in on a race I ran a few weeks ago, it is weird my time came in only 4 minutes worse than my best time even though i spent a lot time walking, a ridiculous amount of time walking.  The only thing that prevented it from being worse was the 2 minutes I saved at the beginning of the run by running at the pace most people were running, ie an average person’s pace.  I have at least 2 races that I am interested it doing for the year and maybe a third, not sure on it yet.

Tonight we are babysitting Thomas, I thought he was going to be a bit fussier but he has been really chill all day, we haven’t seen him as much but he doesn’t hold it against us, I guess he isn’t as clingy to his parents so it is just easier.  The cats want nothing to do with him though.  He had a nap and cried a bit afterwards but I think that is a fairly normal response and he wanted to be held for a bit after his nap.  He is sleeping overnight, I hope he sleeps through the night, I am doubtful since he went down at 8, actually I think I here him right now at 11.30.  He is making some noises, hopefully he just goes back to sleep.  I think I will be going to sleep now.  I finally finished reading through the available Game of Thrones books, it is really well written and fun to read, now to wait for more books, sigh.  I guess I could read the wheel of time in the meantime.


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