Kitty smelled weird yesterday and he was shedding a little bit so I thought I would go ahead and give hime a little bath. He didn’t like that a whole lot. As long as I held him by the collar he wouldn’t fuss overly much except when I dare bring the water spout on to him.
His claws were quite apart so he really wanted to get away. An hour later his back half was still wet, even with him getting two towelings and soaking my clothes in order to keep him warm. Such a gentle creature normally. A sleepy character who stops and smells the flowers and sometimes claims ownership of them all.
He has a weird habit of burrowing too. A bit later he ran upstairs and burrowed under the sheets of one of the beds to keep warm. In the last photo above he burrowed into one of my sweaters. When I made a noise going to bed he popped his head up through the neckhole and just started looking at me. Such a cute kitty. Yesterday He was laying down and he just kind of pounded his head on to the blanket that he was using for a pillow. I bet he learns that from me, I always just lie down and find something to use as a pillow and just rest. At work I put my feet up on a shelf and lean back and slouch (since the chair doesn’t lean back much) and work like that. I like being in a relaxed position.
Back to the cats. Kitty was tied up for a bunch of the day and harrassed by the children. He was pretty restless inside so he got petted and scratched a lot outside. He still meowed a lot to be let back in. He gets lonely sometimes and sure does enjoy it when you go downstairs with him. Sometimes he will lead you to his dining area or poop area and expect you to do something. Sometimes he just comes down hoping you’ll play with him or go hiding behind a curtain.
Tetris DS is suppose to be a lot of fun with a lot of extra players. Kathy was playing 4 player and she seemed to have enjoyed it, I was watching the Battlestar Gallatica mini series. It was pretty good. I should go about shaving now since I won’t have time to later and it is starting to become a real nusance while eating.
Oh yeah, all of the pictures can be clicked on to get you a little bit of a bigger version.
Time for sleep.